How To Beat The Embarrassment – Laser Hair Removal for Intimate Areas

Laser hair removal in intimate areas

Further lockdown restrictions have been eased this week – Hooray for cautious hugs! And whilst there are still some limitations on holidaying abroad, there’s nothing stopping you from donning that bikini on a UK staycation!

Or is there?

If you’re wishing to be hair-free and care-free down there ready for swimsuit season, but you’re being held back by embarrassment at the thought of laser hair removal in those intimate areas, let us try and ease those worries. Here are our 5 top tips to let that embarrassment go and embrace hair-free, smooth skin in those most intimate areas.

  1. Embarrassment is totally normal

    Firstly, let’s just say that it’s completely normal to feel a bit embarrassed at the thought of getting undressed and having someone you don’t know getting up close and personal. We totally get it! But you can trust us; our laser hair removal technicians are super friendly and professional and will help put you at ease for your session if you’re feeling a bit daunted.

  2. You’re not the first

    You won’t be the first person that our laser hair removal technician has performed laser hair removal on in that area. Believe us – We’ve seen it all! So whether it’s your bikini line, a Brazilian or full Hollywood that you’re after – We’ve done it all before! Don’t be afraid to ask us anything you’re unsure about – We answer all questions with a smile.

  3. Feeling self-conscious?

    There’s a good chance you may be feeling a bit self-conscious about your body – We’ve all been there, and we all feel that way sometimes. If it’s hairiness that’s got you feeling a bit shy, don’t despair! Laser hair removal isn’t like waxing – You don’t need to let it grow for it to be effective! In fact, you’ll be asked to shave the area the day before visiting the laser hair removal clinic. No matter how hairy you think you may be, we’ve seen hairier. Plus, once you’ve done the first session, you’ll get more hair-free each time!

  4. Stick to the same practitioner

    Once you’ve booked a laser hair removal session, always try to keep the same practitioner each time. That way you’ll start to feel more comfortable every time you come for further treatment. It usually takes 6-8 sessions for laser hair removal to be successful so don’t put yourself through those first time nerves every session by having different people.

  5. What are the styles and what can you wear?

    To spare you the embarrassment of needing to ask in your laser hair removal session, here are descriptions of each style available and what you can / can’t wear whilst having the treatment.

    Bikini Line – Hair is removed from around the sides of the bikini line area and on upper thighs. You can leave your underwear on for this style, and the laser hair removal technician will work around it.

    Brazilian – Hair is removed so there is none on either side, leaving just a ‘landing strip.’ Underwear can be left on for this style too, your laser hair removal practitioner will work around it but it may need to be moved slightly.

    Hollywood – No hair anywhere – Everything, everywhere off. Underwear does need to be off for this style. However, you will be provided with a towel so that you are not fully exposed. As each area is being lasered, it will need to be briefly revealed. The entire process only takes minutes, so you won’t feel too exposed for too long.

Hopefully our top tips will have helped you to feel a bit less embarrassed at the prospect of laser hair removal in those intimate areas. You may be wondering if laser hair removal will get less embarrassing over time – And we absolutely think it will!

You might well feel a bit anxious the first time, but we’re here to help you feel at ease. Each session with us will feel a bit easier and less daunting as you get to know us. We’re here to help answer any questions you may have so do get in touch with our laser hair removal technicians, or take a look at our full list of laser hair removal treatments.



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