Laser hair removal with Eneka PRO

eneka pro laser hair removal machine

One of the best laser hair removal machines in Hampshire Here at the Smooth Laser Clinic, we’re excited to have acquired the latest Eneka PRO […]

When It’s Too Hot for Clothes

laser hair removal

Well the last few days have been a bit of a scorcher! You know it’s hot when you keep on taking off layers of clothes, […]

What’s Stopping You?

laser treatments

Whether you’ve been umming and ahhing about laser hair removal for a while, or it’s never crossed your mind – What’s stopping you from just […]

Treat Yourself Like a Queen

laser hair removal treatments

With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations coming up next week, we thought we would encourage you all to celebrate – Celebrate you!  Why not treat […]

Move More With Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removal

The weather has been a bit hit and miss, but generally around this time of year we start to see warmer temperatures and a bit […]